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EEB - 150 Civil society groups call for reform of European agricultural policies

Over 150 European civil society organisations representing environmental and social justice networks, organic farmers, pastoralists, peasants, sustainable forestry groups, health groups, animal welfare organisations, consumer rights bodies, development, fair-trade, cultural heritage and rural development organisations, consumer co-operatives, sustainable tourism and crafts associations from 25 EU countries have today called on EU leaders to carry out a radical reform of the CAP and related policies.

IUCN - Now the talking's over, it's time for action to cut power plant emissions

Brussels, 20 October 2016.

Today a major step has finally been made towards agreeing new environmental standards for European power plants. Stakeholders provided final opinions on a revised technical document outlining best practice for Large Combustion Plants in Europe. Attempts to delay a vote by Member States to adopt the so-called ‘LCP BREF’ must now be resisted.

BEE - Green 10 post-Brexit open letter

BEE - Time for EU to walk the talk on 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda

SDG Watch Europe, an alliance of 70 organisations including the European Environmental Bureau (EEB) and Plan International, has today (6 June) written to European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker calling for him to adopt, as a matter of urgency, an overarching strategy to guide implementation of the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda.

IUCN recommends five World Heritage listings

IUCN, International Union for Conservation of Nature, recommends World Heritage status for five sites nominated for their outstanding natural values. The advisory body on natural World Heritage, IUCN also recommends action against major threats in listed natural sites and danger-listing for two sites, in a first set of reports for the World Heritage Committee. These reports are now available online.

BEE - Civil society demands action, not words, on nanotechnology

NGOs, consumer groups and research organisations [1] have expressed disappointment with the European Commission’s continuing failure to propose adequate measures for the collection and publication of information about nanomaterials on the EU market after a Commission meeting with stakeholders in Brussels on Monday.

IUCN - Can the world agree on how to conserve the oceans?

A new legally binding treaty aimed at conserving marine resources was the subject of debate at the United Nations in New York over the last two weeks. Lydia Slobodian from International Union for Conservation of Nature’s Environmental Law Centre explains the Union’s role in the process.

BEE - World Water Day: farming and hydro projects leave EU countries' water stressed

Brussels, 22 March 2016

On #WorldWaterDay (22 March), the deadline for EU Member States to submit their Second River Basin Management Plans to the European Commission, the EEB is warning that many EU countries are not taking their responsibilities related to water seriously.

IUCN - Opportunity and innovation: Why investing in natural water infrastructure will pay off

What does it take to include nature in investment porfolios to improve water security? Renat Heuberger, CEO of the South Pole Group, and Mark Smith, Director of the IUCN Global Water Programme, explore the options.